Legal Information & Terms of Service

Eat, Little Bird is a registered trademark owned by Thanh Berthou.

All photographic images and content on this site are the work of Thanh Berthou, unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved.

Credit to other authors and sources

On this website, particular care and attention is given to crediting other authors and sources where necessary. If credit to another author is given for any recipe on this website, you can find details of this credit towards the bottom of the recipe card.

Permission to use content from Eat, Little Bird

Permission is granted to other blogs, websites and social media accounts to share photographs and/or recipes from Eat, Little Bird, subject to the following conditions:

  1. To share a photo from this website on another website, e.g. for a recipe round-up on another website or for a news article, please seek express permission before sharing any photographs and/or recipes from this website. Please use this contact form to seek permission.
  2. To re-post a photo from a social media account used by Eat, Little Bird, e.g., to re-post a photo from Instagram, you do not need to seek prior permission.
  3. Please provide the appropriate credit to this website for the content that you are sharing, e.g., by linking directly to the recipe which you are sharing, or by linking to this website. Please see examples below.

Please do not reprint the recipes on this website without prior permission. For example, please do not copy and paste the ingredients and recipe instructions from this website into an Instagram post or Instagram Story. Instead, please provide a direct link to the recipe on this website.

Please do not copy or steal recipe ideas, photographic content or written content from this website. Plagiarism is unfair and uncool.

The author reserves the right to seek legal action against any infringement of her trademark and/or copyright.

For any other use of any content from this website, including commercial, licensing and advertising enquiries, please use this contact form or email the author directly.

Examples of giving credit in an Instagram post:

Recipe by @eatlittlebird

Photo by @eatlittlebird

Examples of giving credit on a website:

“… this delicious recipe for Easy Chocolate Cake by Thanh Berthou from Eat, Little Bird …”

“… this delicious recipe for Easy Chocolate Cake from Eat, Little Bird …”

Photograph © Thanh Berthou,

Recipe credit: Thanh Berthou,

Source: Thanh Berthou,

Recipe courtesy of Thanh Berthou,

Recipe printed with permission from Thanh Berthou,

If in doubt, please ask 🙂 Thank you!

No Artificial Intelligence

The owner of this website does not consent to the content on this website being used or downloaded by any third parties for the purposes of developing, training or operating artificial intelligence or other machine learning systems (“Artificial Intelligence Purposes”), except as authorised by the owner in writing (including written electronic communication).

Absent such consent, users of this website, including any third parties accessing the website through automated systems, are prohibited from using any of the content on the website for Artificial Intelligence Purposes. Users or automated systems that fail to respect these choices will be considered to have breached these Terms of Service. Â